The Tremont Blog

Boost Your Health With Independent Living Fitness Classes

Written by Tremont | Jul 16, 2024 3:16:03 AM

They say if it were possible to put the effects of exercise in a pill, it would be the most popular supplement ever devised. The benefits we receive from straining our bodies are impressive, to say the least, but they have to be felt to be believed. While the prospect of breaking a sweat isn't everyone's cup of tea, enjoying an able body and a sharp mind definitely is.

Personal trainers for seniors allow exercise regimes tailored to individuals and groups alike. This more personal approach ensures everyone involved receives the guidance they need to enjoy using their bodies long into old age. If you're curious about how our seniors benefit from working out, keep reading to find out!

Fitness for the Elderly

Fitness is for everyone, regardless of age. When all's said and done, the only true possessions we have in this world are our bodies. There's no hope of getting a newer model in the future, so it pays to look after the one we were born with.

Keeping on top of our health is touted as a chore, more often than not. The prospect of going outside and using our bodies for everything they're capable of is detested by many, but only because they've never learned the joys of doing so. The fact of the matter is that an unconditioned body is slow to pilot, or even painful in some cases.

Fortunately, the benefits of deciding to subject our bodies to a little conditioning are felt immediately and are cumulative. What's more, this is a process everyone can take full advantage of, regardless of age. Independent living fitness classes are a fantastic introduction to self-care and, in many cases, drastically improve senior mobility and life satisfaction in general.

The Importance of Maintenance

Our bodies are bafflingly adept at assigning energy to be used where it's most needed. They adapt to what we ask of them by gaining muscle where appropriate, or losing it where it's no longer required. In simple terms, this is more or less how our bodies work, which makes understanding the benefits of exercise a lot more straightforward.

Fitness programs directed toward seniors use this simple concept to halt and even reverse some of the effects of a sedentary lifestyle. If we spend too much time in a state of inactivity, our bodies react accordingly. Repairs and the general maintenance of tissue only occur where necessary, and exercise floods our systems with the chemical messengers that trigger revitalization.

This is why exercise would make such a fantastic medicine in pill form, all of the benefits without any of the effort. For the moment, though, to acquire these benefits, we still have to do things the old-fashioned way. No matter the fitness program our seniors decide to follow, they'll be better off for their efforts.

Senior Fitness Programs

Senior exercise doesn't typically involve rigorous or prolonged movements. Instead, most of the favored methods of getting Grandpa's heart rate up are done in a careful and controlled manner. Fast and strenuous exercises are completely unnecessary for maintenance, and you might be surprised at how beneficial even some of the lowest-impact exercises can be.

A great example of a well-loved and respected fitness regime for older folks is tai-chi, an ancient Chinese martial art turned fitness program. The idea is to learn a series of stances that stretch and extend our muscles in a number of different ranges and motions. These motions mimic exaggerated normal movements we make in everyday life, allowing them to be made with greater ease after a little practice.

The learning process is a lot of fun and is often taught to large groups of people at a time. The social aspect of learning tai-chi is important, as the group tries to move as one through the different positions. As you might imagine, there's a lot of room for laughter while everyone gets their bearings.

In terms of medicine, attending a light-hearted group of budding tai-chi practitioners is one of the best available. Calories not burned through careful movement will certainly be burned from all the giggling.

Chair Yoga

Chair yoga is another favorite group-centered exercise and one in which everyone can participate. Much like tai-chi, chair yoga is essentially a series of movements designed to unstiffen joints and reclaim some of the vigor lost to a sedentary lifestyle. These movements include raising the arms and legs, standing up and sitting back down, or even throwing a ball back and forth.

These movements might not seem effective, but levels of exertion aren't the most important factor when it comes to working out. Using our bodies, even a little, triggers a whole host of beneficial processes necessary to maintaining good health. Studies show that it's not just our body that benefits, too, but also the mind.

As it turns out, physical ability is closely linked to mental health and general outlook. The longer we spend sedentary, the more our minds tend to slow down. A little activity here and there does wonders to shake things up and stave off cognitive decline.

The difference a couple of weeks of senior workouts make is often night and day. The seniors themselves will be the most surprised at the new lease on life a little exercise affords them. Movements that used to be difficult become second nature, and navigating the world under their own steam becomes a much easier prospect.

Personal Trainers for Seniors

Personal trainers for seniors are an ideal solution for not only increasing the physical activity of our old folks but sharpening their minds, too. Over the years we've taken note of the activities our seniors prefer and make them available throughout the week, so there's always something to look forward to. Of course, if they'd prefer, there's nothing wrong with watching from the sidelines!

If you have any questions concerning our independent living fitness classes or our philosophy regarding exercise for seniors in general, don't hesitate to reach out! We'd love to hear from you.